Our Wider Mission

God is still speaking; we are still Listening!  

We know that need in our community, in our country and around the globe is great, but with God's help, all things are possible.  We join the Church Universal in extending God's love to all of our neighbors, near and far. 

Some of our efforts at responding to the wider need, such as our Senior High Pilgrim Fellowship Mission Trips, arise from group reflection and extensive planning on the part of Rev. Adam and Advisors.  Some efforts have been inspired by our covenanted relationship with our national denomenational setting of the UCC (OCWM), advocated for by our Christian Outreach Committee.  And others arise from partnership with interfaith and ecumenical initiatives, such as One Great Hour of Sharing. 

We thank God for the resources we have to share and the will to share them.  We thank God for inspired members and friends of our church who hear God's call to do justice, to love kindness and walk in humility (Micah 6:8).  In the process of this service and response to God's call, we are transformed by God's grace


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