Financial oversight is the responsibility of the Trustees. This ministry oversees the maintenance and repair of the church property and governs the financial activities of the Church, although their work includes the skills and talents of numerous volunteers.
The Memorials Subcommittee of the Trustees is responsible for overseeing and distributing those donations given to the Memorial Fund. The Committee acknowledges gifts given to the Church and sees to it that the names of those remembered are inscribed in the Memorial Book. Memorials also oversees the maintenance and use of the Memorial Garden.
First United Church of Christ
34 West Main Street
Milford, CT 06460
(203) 877-4277
All are welcome at First Church! As an inclusive community of God's children, we affirm the radical welcome and hospitality of the United Church of Christ; No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!
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