Sunday School - Journey

Children ages 3 through 7th grade are welcome in our Sunday School Ministry.  Please register for Sunday School here!  Classes are led by gifted teaching teams. It is our intention to promote the following objectives:

Welcome - To welcome all families and seek to provide an environment in our Sunday School in which children are respectful of one another and each person's expression of faith.

Encouragement - To encourage each child in Sunday School to learn age-appropriate prayers, Bible passages & stories, and music to reinforce their faith formation. We encourage families to make church a priority throughout the year and amid their busy schedules.

Exploration - To provide faith experiences for our children in drama, art, dance, literature and music realizing that children are inspired and learn through different media.

Resources - To provide religious education material to families, enabling them to take their faith beyond Sunday mornings and the walls of First Church.

Our Call - To provide hands-on experiences for children and families in the areas of outreach, stewardship and faith by educating them to the needs of our community, local and global.

God's Whole Family - To continue to provide intergenerational opportunities of worship and fellowship for a broad witness to the hope and challenge that we, no matter our age or length of membership in the church, are all welcome to gather at the table.
You're Always Welcome!

We invite and welcome our children wherever and whenever they are able to join us in Sunday School given the pace and demands of their lives. Children never need to be hesitant to rejoin their class after an absence. Teachers are eager to make each child feel welcome. And we encourage children to bring friends to visit Sunday School.

Our Curriculum

We use a variety of curricula to make God's word and Jesus' teachings as accessible and relevant to our children and youth as well as to the adults who guide them in their formation. Kelsey DeCarlo, John Haas, and this year's teaching slate, are crafting the materials for this program year.

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