
Our nursery care begins with a commitment that it is never too early for us to share the love of God with one another.

September through June, nursery care for infants and toddlers is available 9:45-11:00AM by a paid nursery attendant and volunteers. This gives parents the ministry opportunities of participating as teachers on Sunday School Leadership Teams, joining a choir, hosting coffee hour or taking advantage of educational events.

Our NURSERY is located on the first floor.  Enter through the riverside entrance, and the nursery will be the first door on your left.  If you are in the meetinghouse, the best way to reach the nursery is to go to the back of the church and into the Narthex (the entryway).  An usher can direct you to the staircases that lead to the first floor.  

Throughout the summer, childcare is provided during the regular worship times. Also, during special worship services and events, we provide childcare as we are able.

Pick up our Nursery Handbook in the nursery & look for ways to volunteer & support this ministry.

Jasmine Gilbert and Barbara Walker are our Nursery Attendants - please stop by and say hello.

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