Welcome to the First United Church of Christ

An Open and Affirming Congregation

We the First United Church of Christ, Congregational, in Milford, Connecticut believe all people are created in God's own image, infinite in diversity, and one in the body of Christ. God bestows full humanity to all people, and all are uniquely and completely loved by God. No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here ... [ more ]

You've Found Us!

First Church is an inclusive, kid-nurturing, joyful, community partner. In short, it's what people hope for when they imagine a constructive faith community! [ more ]

Weekly Schedule at a Glance

In-Person Worship

Join us for our 8 AM and 10 AM Sunday services. 8 AM worship is in the Chapel at 18 West Main St and the 10 AM is held in the Sanctuary at 34 West Main Street in Milford. The 10 AM service is also livestreamed. For addresses and directions to our buildings and parking lot, click [ more ]

Welcome Form - Get Connected

If you are new to the community (or not!) or to the church and would like more information, here is the first step to get connected. [ more ]


January 26, 2025
The 99th Annual Meeting in the 386th year of the founding of the First United Church of Christ, Congregational, in Milford, Connecticut, will be convened in the Sanctuary on Sunday, January 26, 2025, following the 10:00 AM morning worship service... [ more ]

Program Year Begins!

Fall 2024
During the school year, First UCC Milford joins together in many programs and ministries:
-Sunday School meets during10 AM Sanctuary worship for 4-year-olds through fifth graders (Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available every Sunday throughout the year)
-Adult Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 7 PM and handbell choirs on Tuesday evenings. These ensembles share music at 10 AM Sunday worship.
-Youth groups meet most Sunday evenings for middle schoolers (Junior Pilgrim Fellowship) and high schoolers (Senior Pilgrim Fellowship), in addition to Youth Fellowship for 4th and 5th graders approximately twice a month on Sundays at 4 PM  


2024-25 Theme: STORIES

Stories are one of the central ways we understand life. We hear stories from a young age, and they have great power to define us.
This year, First UCC MIlford's theme will be stories... [ more ]

Worship In-Person and Online

First Church Milford holds two in-person worship services most Sundays at 8 AM and 9:30 AM (Summer)! Read More! [ more ]


We believe as Christians that we are called not just to go to church but to Be The Church. Even if you not able to worship in-person, you belong as part of our worshiping community. To watch worship online [CLICK HERE]. We welcome people who are looking for a spiritual home for the first time and those already familiar with us! [ more ]

Ministry Update

Below is a summary of current events and breaking news at First Church. Click on the "more" links for the full story on any related item.

Contacting Church Staff

There are two primary ways for the public to reach our staff... [ more ]

First Church News & Events

Visit the Newsroom section of our Website for all the latest news and events, including our monthly Parish Post.  To sign up for our weekly E-Herald, email the church office at milfordfirstucc@yahoo.com. [ more ]

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