Sunday Worship

In our time of worship together, we share our joys and concerns, and offer our prayers for friends and loved ones who are facing difficult times. We care about our church and work hard to make it a vehicle of God's grace in our personal lives, in our community and in the world.

Chapel Service

8:00 AM –  approximately 45 minutes

Our weekly 8:00 AM worship service in Woodruff Chapel at 18 West Main Street offers a shortened version of our Sanctuary service and is held in a smaller chapel setting.  The Chapel seats approximately 60 people. 

There is no Sunday School during this service and childcare is not available. The Chapel is handicapped accessible.

Sanctuary Service

10:00 AM (school year)
  9:30 AM (summer: Father's Day - late August)
  approximately one hour

The primary Sunday morning worship service of First Church takes place in the Meetinghouse at 34 West Main Street.
We offer nursery care for infants and toddlers during this service in our Church Nursery, found on the lower level of the Church building immediately below the Sanctuary. 

During the school year the Meetinghouse service begins at 10:00 AM and includes music by the Church Choirs and a children's message. After the children's message, our Sunday School program meets during the last 40 minutes of worship.

This service may include the Sacrament of Baptism and mission presentations and a number of special events that are a part of the active life of our congregation.  We celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at both services on the first Sunday of the month. The Meetinghouse is handicapped accessible.

Our summer schedule, Father's Day through late August, shifts our Meetinghouse service to 9:30 AM.  Many Sundays during the summer, we offer a Summer Sunday School for kids and youth during Meetinghouse worship.

This service is followed by a coffee hour which takes place in Fellowship Hall on the lower level of our Church building.  In the coffee hour, you will find fellowship and interesting conversation about the life and the ministries of First Church.

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