Worship In-Person and Online

First Church Milford welcomes people in love whether it's their first time with us or they've been active here for decades. We are an intergenerational church, with ministries and activities for people of different ages and life situations.

Our intergenerational and open spirit begins with our worship, which includes inspiring music and messages.

First Church Milford holds two in-person worship services most Sunday mornings! Our in-person services take place at 8 AM in the Chapel and at 9:30 AM (Summer) in the Sanctuary.

See Addresses & Directions to find us!

Masking is not required in most cases at worship, but some people do wear masks at worship, and we have masks available if you need or want one. 

Sunday school is back during most 9:30 AM services (we invite children to participate in worship on the first Sunday of the month). Please call the church at 203.877.4277 or email faithformationminister@firstchurchofmilford.org if you want the link for your child to participate in online Sunday school.

We have coffee hour after our 9:30 AM service.

-We livestream our 9:30 AM service on Local Live TV. [CLICK HERE] to make your way to the livestreaming site! Livestreams are also archived there, and we will also archive worship videos on our YouTube channel.

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